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From Twitter

10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...
10 June 2024
Citizen Science
Prof. Francesco Nardi (University of Siena) and Prof. Rossella Annoni (junior high school G. Falcone, Cassina de' Pecchi, Milan) have been working together, this past year, with class 2D (12-13 years old pupils) on Popillia within the context of the ...
29 May 2024
Pest management
Project reports
Since 2023, the village of Kloten north of Zurich is not only famous for the Zurich Airport and for having a great ice hockey team, but also for harboring the first Popillia population in Europe north of the Alps. In summer and autumn of 2023, huge e...

Popillia grub detectives at work in Zurich

Pj-rubs-Hunting_Zurich2 PopilliaJaponica_grub-detectives
Since 2023, the village of Kloten north of Zurich is not only famous for the Zurich Airport and for having a great ice hockey team, but also for harboring the first Popillia population in Europe north of the Alps. In summer and autumn of 2023, huge efforts were made to eradicate this population, including insecticide sprays, the erection of LLINs-t...
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  397 Hits
397 Hits

Developmental Stage Photos of the Japanese Beetle from Our Laboratory

We are beyond excited to share developmental stage photos of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) directly from our laboratory experiment.  The Japanese beetle undergoes three larval stages, which means that the larvae do not grow steadily but develop three times until they pupate and finally emerge as adult beetles. We ...
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  1175 Hits
1175 Hits

General Assembly and ECE in Heraklion 2023

imageheader3 group picture of the attendees
From October 18–20, 2023, members of the IPM Popillia consortium came together in Heraklion, Greece, for the yearly General Assembly of the IPM Popillia project. The event provided the possibility of gaining insight into and learning about the progress and developments made in the different interdisciplinary work packages of the project. At the sam...
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  992 Hits
992 Hits

Automated reporting of Japanese beetle observations to national authorities within the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App

Regulatory reporting  of invasive alien species or controlled pests such as the Japanese beetle to national authorities can be challenging for citizens. Therefore, in the IPM Popillia Horizon 2020 project, the "Automated Reporting System" (ARS) was developed by SPOTTERON for the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App to process automated reports and...
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  700 Hits
700 Hits

Effects of test treatments on P. japonica gene expression

In collaboration with colleagues from CREA (Florence), we have treated popillias with three experimental control protocols that appear as promising candidates in their hands. Treated popillias have been snap frozen for molecular analysis. In the next months we will evaluate the effects of different treatments in terms of gene expression. With these...
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  1463 Hits
1463 Hits

Learning about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Citizen Science

SPOTTERON Citizen Science App Design
One of the beautiful things in developing #CitizenScience Apps on @SPOTTERON for research projects is that we always learn something new. In every App project, making inquiries about the topic, scope, and science is crucial for designing the data structure input dialogue and the look & feel of a new Citizen Science App on the platform. Integrat...
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  1211 Hits
1211 Hits

App Download Links (QR-Codes)

(Google Play) 

qrcode app Popillia googleplay

(Apple App Store) 

 qrcode appPopillia appstore

 EU Flag This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861852
