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From Twitter

10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...
10 June 2024
Citizen Science
Prof. Francesco Nardi (University of Siena) and Prof. Rossella Annoni (junior high school G. Falcone, Cassina de' Pecchi, Milan) have been working together, this past year, with class 2D (12-13 years old pupils) on Popillia within the context of the ...
29 May 2024
Pest management
Project reports
Since 2023, the village of Kloten north of Zurich is not only famous for the Zurich Airport and for having a great ice hockey team, but also for harboring the first Popillia population in Europe north of the Alps. In summer and autumn of 2023, huge e...

Open- day at CREA

Today 20th December 2022,  some students from the University of Florence and Pisa come to visit CREA @CREAricerca in an Open-Day program. We talked about the answers that Research can provide to the new challenges in agriculture, our works and, of course, the IPM-POPILLIA project.
  909 Hits

The Big Field Experiment

In September 2021 we started the big field experiment in the Piedmont region, a highly infested zone. Giovanni Bosio from the plant health service of the Piedmont region found meadows which were not treated yet and with willing owners to let us do experiments with different biological control agents (BCA). We treated the meadows with 2 different st...
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  1199 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL III

 PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm ...
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  1323 Hits

IPM Popillia Citizen Science App has been updated!

 The IPM Popillia Citizen Science App is constantly evolving and improving to meet targets and be a brilliant tool for finding and recording sightings of the invasive Popillia japonica.

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  1331 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL II

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  1511 Hits

Effects of test treatments on P. japonica gene expression

In collaboration with colleagues from CREA (Florence), we have treated popillias with three experimental control protocols that appear as promising candidates in their hands. Treated popillias have been snap frozen for molecular analysis. In the next months we will evaluate the effects of different treatments in terms of gene expression. With these...
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  1463 Hits

Field work for an economist

Definitely not my ususal workweek! I am an economist at the Technical University of Munich, usually sitting in an office with a computer and conducting research there. But not this time… As I am part of the IPM Popillia project, which consists of an interdisciplinary research team, I was invited by our partner Agroscope to join them in th...
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  1101 Hits

Interactive map of the Japanese beetle's invasion in Continental Europe

The Japanese beetle was accidentally introduced to mainland Europe and detected for the first-time near Milan (Italy) in 2014. As a quarantine insect pest, its populations are strictly monitored. However, we did not find a map illustrating the dynamics of the ongoing invasion. So, we produced it! At first, the interactive map that we make available...
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  4152 Hits

Azorean field work between islands

Having field work on different islands of an archipelago is a peculiarity to which the IPM Popillia team of the University of the Azores has got used to. We are currently working with Popillia from São Miguel Island, where we are actually based, and from São Jorge Island. Last October, our team traveled a two-flight trip in order to perform efficac...
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  1379 Hits

Another Day in the Field

We need more larvae, a lot more larvae! That's our mission, our first in this year. This time we were headed to a field in Vercelli, Piedmont. While driving, the bus would shake and make weird noises when applying the brakes which is why we stopped a first time to inspect our tires and a second time at a mechanics to let him check properly.  W...
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  1282 Hits

Frontiers in Insect Science launches Research Topic on Popillia

One of the world's leading open science platforms puts a focus on Japanese Beetle research! Frontiers has launched the research topic "Focus on Popillia japonica" in its Open Access Journal "Frontiers in Insect Science". The aim is to compile the latest findings in P. japonica research in one special issue, which will be a key resource of knowledge...
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  1525 Hits

The Horizon 2020 Citizen Science App for Popillia sightings is released!

A deliverable is done. We just have released the first version of the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App! This first release marks a significant achievement; from now on, our consortium members and farmers on location can start recording Popillia japonica sightings on their smartphones and contribute to the IPM Popillia data-set. The App running...
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  1525 Hits

Localization and order recognition improvement for the Japanese beetle

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GMBH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 37 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  2005 Hits

Learning about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Citizen Science

One of the beautiful things in developing #CitizenScience Apps on @SPOTTERON for research projects is that we always learn something new. In every App project, making inquiries about the topic, scope, and science is crucial for designing the data structure input dialogue and the look & feel of a new Citizen Science App on the platform. Integrat...
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  1212 Hits

First prototype version of the IPM Popilla Citizen Science App in the making!

The year 2022 has just begun. Right after the holiday season, we at SPOTTERON Citizen Science Platform have started the first phase of direct production and creating the definitions for the IPM Popilla Citizen Science Smartphone App - what a start for a year! In the past, we have already prepared many building blocks and parts to launch our fi...
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  1598 Hits

A day in the field

To continue with experiments in the lab, we needed more Japanese beetle larvae, a lot more. So we decided to go on a field trip on the 7th of December 2021.   It was the first train of the day which took me to Agroscope where we headed off to Mottalciata, Piedmont region. With two cars and seven people, we left freezing cold Switzerland in hop...
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  1198 Hits

Planning for the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App

With the new year approaching, we at SPOTTERON have started planning and creating concepts for the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App for public participation. In this early stage, options are present for either having a focussed App for discovering the Popillia japonica beetle in already infested regions or to think on a broader scale for ...
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  1200 Hits

Growth in a giant steel grub: Mass production of insecticidal nematodes

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are naturally occurring in the environment and make their living by infecting, killing and propagating in insects. They can be used as biological control agents against Popillia japonica larvae. The mass production is done in artificial medium by the partner e-Nema. Here a short video on how this mass production wor...
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  1209 Hits

General Assembly in Freising 2021

On the 28th and 29th of October 2021 members of the IPM Popillia consortium came together at the TUM campus in Freising, Germany, for the yearly General Assembly of the IPM Popillia project. The event provided the possibility to get insight and learn about the progess and developments made in the differe...
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  1283 Hits

How to "breed" your own Japanese beetle

If you live in an unifested zone, but you still like to have a Japanese beetle, here is how you can create your very own Japanese beetle. What your Japanese beetle is made of, is absolutely up to you and your taste. Everything you need, you can find in your trusted supermarket.  In the very early stages of an adult Japanese beetle, it has no w...
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  1366 Hits

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 EU Flag This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861852
